Book Tour: Night Study by Maria V. Snyder (Character Interview with Yelena)

I am beyond thrilled to be today’s stop on the NIGHT STUDY Blog Tour not only because I’m part of the tour but also because I have an awesome interview with one of my favorite character, Yelena Zaltana. I’ve been following her adventure since Posion Study and to have an opportunity to ask her questions is just awesome! Yelena shares some of her unforgetable experiences and thoughts on things, so be sure to check those all below.

If you aren’t yet familiar with the series, please get out of your cave and start digging to this wonderful series. Don’t dread the number of installments you have to read before this one, because it won’t reached this far if the series isn’t good. Trust me, this is one of the series that you should read. Maria V. Snyder did a great job developing Yelena and Valek stories.

You can check the description for NIGHT STUDY below to have an idea as well as links where to get copies.

Also, don’t forget to check out the other stops on the tour. I’m just the third stop which means more exciting and fun posts are coming.

Character Interview with Yelena Zaltana

Can I just say thank you for agreeing to do an interview? I’m so thrilled to have this chance being a follower of your story since the Poison Study. So anyway, first question is, from being the poison taster of the commander to being a soul finder and Liaison what are your top three most unforgettable experiences?

Thank you for inviting me! As for your question – Wow! – I’ve had a ton of unforgettable experiences, but I’ll try and narrow it down to three. Being stuck in the fire world with the Fire Warper was certainly one of my most difficult experiences. I thought I’d have to stay there forever. I’m so glad that I sparked on the idea about using Opal’s glass magic. Another time I can’t forget is when I knocked General Brazell unconscious! I finally realized that I didn’t have to be a victim and was no longer a lab rat for his experiments. The best and most unforgettable experience is when Valek and I finally admitted our feelings for each other.

What were your first thoughts when you realized that you lost your Soulfinding ability and when you realized that you are (probably) pregnant?

Shock was the first thing for both! There are really no thoughts involved, just a numb sensation as all thoughts scatter. Next came panic and the overwhelming knowledge of how much my life would change. It’s a lot to take in and deal with and truthfully, I’m still trying to get it all sorted out!

Valek and you had been together for a long time, do you still remember the moment you realized that you are in love with him? Can you describe that moment to us using a song or poem?

I’m not sure I can pinpoint an exact moment. It was one of those gradual things as I didn’t know what to think of him in the beginning. I knew his reputation and was scared of crossing him. As we worked together, things changed and I saw a different side of him. I’m not well versed in love songs and poetry. I’m a rather practical person and really can’t pick a song or poem. Besides, if I did, I’d never hear the end of it from Janco!

What is one thing that surprised you the most about Valek?

That he’s an artist. I had noticed all those black statues around his apartment, but never thought he was the one who carved them.

There’s a chance that you’ll meet Valek’s family in the future, are you more excited or nervous and why? How do you picture the scenario will go?

If I ever meet them, I’ll be nervous. I’d want to make a good impression and let them know that their son isn’t as horrible as everyone thinks. That they should be very proud of him. I’d imagine, I’d hide behind Valek at first. Just kidding! I’ll probably hide behind Kiki instead. She’s bigger and everyone loves Kiki so she can be the ice-breaker.

What did you think about the Commander when you first met him? And how has your opinion of him changed as you’ve gotten to know him?

He terrified me at first. He’s the most powerful man in Ixia and I was waiting to be executed when I became his food taster. Any day he could have decided to send me to the gallows. However, I learned that he doesn’t thrive on the power and is quite practical and pragmatic. He listens and then decides and he values intelligence and logic. His Code of Behaviour is quite strict with no room for compassion, but I’ve seen compassion in him. I don’t know what’s going on with him lately. He’s distrustful of Valek and no longer listening to logic and reason. I hope we can figured it out!

If you could have changed one thing that happened in the past, or change one thing you did, what would it be and why?

I would love to be able to go back in time and stop Roze from killing Moon Man. I miss him and his cryptic advice and he died much too young.

If you had a free day with no responsibilities and your only mission was to enjoy yourself, what would you do and who you want to join you?

I’d want Valek with me of course. We’re both so busy that we never have enough time together to just be together! And that would be my ideal day—spending it with Valek doing nothing but cuddling on the couch, having a relaxing candlelight meal, sipping wine or tea, napping, and perhaps a stroll in the woods—nothing too taxing, tho.

Any secrets you can share with us? And no, I’m not asking for spoilers but you can share Valek secrets too if you want 😉

I’ve lots of secrets. Mine, Valek’s, the Commander’s, Sitia’s, and Ixia’s. So many that I sometimes lose track of who I’m protecting by keeping them. However, there are good reasons why they’re secrets and I’m sorry, but I can’t share them with you or with anyone.

Thanks so much Yelena for taking time to answer all my questions above. I won’t push more about the secret you can’t share to us, nor the song or poetry. Even if you don’t have your power right now, I’m afraid Valek will know of this and try to find me. And as much as I love to meet Valek, I don’t think it would be great to see him angry. Also, I miss Moon Man too! Too bad we can’t have him back.

Also, a huge thanks to Maria V. Snyder for allowing Yelena for this interview. You are awesome!


Night StudyBook Details:

Title: Night Study
Author: Maria V. Snyder
Publisher: Mira Books
Publication Date: February 25, 2016
Format: Paperback, eBooks, Audio

Ever since being kidnapped from the Illiais Jungle as a child, Yelena Zaltana’s has been fraught with peril. But the recent loss of her Soulfinding abilities has endangered her more than ever before. As she desperately searches for a way to reclaim her magic, her enemies are closing in, and neither Ixia nor Sitia are safe for her anymore. Especially since the growing discord between the two countries and the possibility of a war threatens everything Yelena holds dear.

Valek is determined to protect Yelena, but he’s quickly running out of options. The Commander suspects that his loyalties are divided, and he’s been keeping secrets from Valek…secrets that put him, Yelena and all their friends in terrible danger. As they uncover the various layers of the Commander’s mysterious plans, they realize it’s far more sinister that they could have ever imagined.

Book Links:

Amazon | Watestones | Book Depository | Goodreads


13 thoughts on “Book Tour: Night Study by Maria V. Snyder (Character Interview with Yelena)

  1. Pingback: Night Study by Maria V. Snyder | BLACKPLUME

  2. This interwiev with Yelena really whetted my appetite. I adore this series, so this book is a must have for me. 🙂 I have all the previous books in this series, currently trying to collect Opal’s books (though I am having problems finding the same editions).


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