
There’s more to life than just being fashionable,
Than trying to keep up with the latest trend.
It’s time to break free from the need for likes,
And find a style that’s uniquely you, my friend.

Stop chasing all the world’s validations
For their approval are short and false
You have everything you need inside
Your worth is not based on their words.

Don’t waste your time pleasing others
Or living life according to their lines
The world needs more individuals
Not just the same old crowd.

Put aside the masks and show who you are,
Embrace your quirks, all your flaws,
And everything that makes you whole and you
For true beauty lies within your heart.

Just be yourself, and show to everyone
The person you truly are inside
Let your confidence, kindness, and grace
Be the fashion that shines, brighter than any light.

You are more than just clothes and fashion
Be proud of who and what you really are
The beauty in imperfection is what sets you apart
So cast off the masks and show the world your heart

2016 Reading & Blogging Goals

I’m back and hopefully more appearance than the past few months! Sorry for being MIA, there are just so many things that happened before 2015 ends like the wedding of one of my best friend which makes me super busy being a Maid of Honor, then there’s also the holidays and other life’s obligations. But now that I’m back I’m very much excited to share to all of you my 2016 reading and blogging plans.

Unlike last year where my reading and blogging plans was more “go with the flow” this year I’m actually lay-outing a more detailed plans with the push of my closest reading buddy Precious of Fragments of Life. Together we are organizing a blog event called “Celebrating Debutantes 2016”, wherein we are featuring debut authors of 2016 and their works. Since I love meeting new authors and discovering great talents I am actually excited to host this event with Precious.

Precious and I also targeting literary titles as part of our monthly reads this 2016. With a goal to try different genre than our usual YA fantasy or contemporary read we are trying a more mature/serious tone of reads. We already picked our target tiles for each month so watch out for our reviews.

As for my goodreads reading challenge this year, I’m back to 100 books to read. Last year I tried to cut it down to 50 books expecting for a more lay low reading in 2015, then eventually changed it to 100 since I am reading more than I targeted. I’m happy to report that I did finished the 100 books goals for 2015. Let’s see how I will perform for this year.

That’s all for now, will have to layout other plans too beside reading and blogging for 2016.

I hope everyone’s 2016 is getting off to a great start! Happy New Year to all!!!

2015 Reading & Blogging Goals

Happy 2015 Everyone! How’s everyone year so far? I hope 2015 brings us all good cheers and blessings. 2015 is actually kicking pretty fast for me, it’s just few days since the year started but I feel like I’m in the fast lane already doing all the planning and other work related stuff. I foreseeing the year to be very busy which push me to decide to alter my blogging and reading plans. Instead of pushing myself with all the reading goals and challenges like what I do every year, I decided to cut all the goals for 2015 and just let the tides flow for me. No tight goals or concrete plans but to enjoy blogging and reading.

I’ve already cut my goodreads reading challenge goal to half – from the usual 100 books per year I’m doing a 50 books this year. I’m also hoping to read most the books from my shelves and lessened my habit of acquiring new books without having definite plans or timeline of reading them because I’m usually stack with my for review pile. As for getting books for review, just like last year, I will continue to stop requesting book for review. If I get an offer to review books I will consider them but will only accepts those books I think that I will really like or will definitely love. I’m also cutting joining review tour this year – this one will be bit hard since I’m one of the admins of a local book tour site but I’ll still try.

I’m going back reading more non-fictions books too beside those usual required reading for work. Last time I checked, the nonfiction area of my shelve is almost non-existence compare to the volumes of YA fiction books I have. Even if I add those dozens of self-help titles that I lend to my friends they are still too small compare to fictions books I acquired for the past years.

There are other plans but all these plans and goals are just more of a reminder for me to just removed the restrictions and the usual lines of schedule and target goals. Time to go back reading and reviewing for my own enjoyment and just share the love for written words without the hassle of obligations.

Review Pile

It’s been a year and a half since I posted my book stash here on the blog. I used to join the In My Mailbox meme before but decided to stop it for some reason. I’m not really eager posting every books I acquired, but lately I started getting books from publishers, which makes me think of going back to sharing my acquired books as a tool to say my gratitude to generous senders.

Though I’ll be sharing my stash to everyone again, I decided to limit my post to books that given to me by publishers or authors for review since that is the real reason why I am going back sharing my book pile again. So, I won’t be sharing those books I personally bought, after-all not every books I’m buying are categorized as fictions or YA  (which this blog focus on reviewing or advertising). And instead of joining In My Mailbox or Stacking the Shelves where book bloggers are usually posting every single books they acquired, either from publishers, personal purchases, or gifts, I’ll be using a more direct name, Review Pile (I’m not sure if there is someone who already using the same title for their meme, if there is let me know so I can give proper credits). Also, instead of doing it regularly like a meme post with schedule and posting format, I am posting my for review pile as it is. Posting books as they come and mostly to advertise books given to me for review. So technically this won’t be a meme but just a regular post.

Sharing my review pile will not only promote books I acquired but also help me tracking what books I need to prioritize reading and reviewing on the blog. So, here are printed books I acquired lately for review from Harper Collins International and Hachette Book Group.

antigoddessAntigoddess by Kendra Blake

Harper Books
Pretty Sly by Elisa Ludwig
Faking Normal by Courtney C. Stevens
Her Dark Curiosity by Megan Shepherd

* Credit for mailbox sharing goes to The Story Siren


Besides those printed books that arrived in my door, I also got electronic books to review, approved by different publishers via NetGalley. Here are the list:

More Than This by Patrick Ness (from Candlewick Press)
Pawn (The Blackcoat Rebellion) by Aimee Carter (from Harlequin Teen)
Bellman & Black by Diane Seterfield (from Atria Books)
These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman (from Disney-Hyperion)

I’m pretty excited reading all these books, especially Antigoddess, Her Dark Curiosity, and Bellman & Black. I’ve heard so many great things about Kendra Blake and Megan Shepherd writing, while Diane Seterfield books are a must read for me since I love The 13th Tale.

Thanks so much Harper Collins International, Hachette UK, Candlewick Press, Harlequin Teen, Atria Books, Disney-Hyperion for these lovely books!

Death in Fiction

GOT deaths

photo credits: @King_Joffrey

*warning: there are some spoilers for Veronica Roth’s latest book, Allegiant!

I’m visiting twitter today when I saw from my timeline the tweet above, where someone re-tweeted a photo of ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ books bookmarked with each death of character from the series. Though I haven’t started reading the books yet (I insist on start reading them once I got my own hardbound copies of at least upto the 6th book) I’ve been following the TV series adaptation, so I’m at least a bit aware of how the author can easily kill his characters. In fact, I am not yet over grieving with Ned, and Robb Stark death from that series. So thinking about death in fictions, reminds me some of my current reads where major characters were killed by their creators during the process of writing.

If you have read Veronica Roth’s final book to her YA dystopian series, Divergent, it is no spoiler to you how her protagonist, Tris end up in Allegiant. For someone who’s following that series, I am invested to Veronica Roth’s characters already, not only with her major characters, Tris and Four but also their alliance and friends. I root for them and hope only the best for everyone. But having read many dystopian books, I am also aware how bleak and dark their central world is. And with that kind of setting, death is surely unavoidable. Even before reading the first book, I already anticipated lots of casualties as the story push forward. I expected death along the way as I read. I am even ready to let go of the major characters if needed. So Tris’ death is NOT shocking to me.

But what shocked me is that I didn’t feel anything from Tris’ death. I didn’t mourn like what I did when I watch Ned Stark beheaded, or Robb Stark murdered. I didn’t shed any tear like when Augustus Waters of ‘The Fault In Our Stars‘ died in cancer which I already anticipated from the start, or when Mia hall of ‘If I Stay‘ spent her possible remaining days in coma. Even when I go back reading each word slowly about how Tris died, I still felt nothing!

I wasn’t even upset that Tris died. I get why she needs to be the one who make the sacrifices. I totally understand her motivation, but still I think Veronica Roth failed with the execution. Instead of making Tris’ death meaningful it feels more contrived in my opinion.

Sure it is an act of love as Tris traded her own life for her brother Caleb. It also qualified as an act of heroism or noble sacrifice, after all she’s doing it for the greater good. But considering how she end up there in the first place somehow makes the difference.

Losing someone in fiction cannot be compare to losing someone in real life but killing a main character should still feel like lost. Especially those characters we spent a lot of time knowing and understanding. We spent our times reading their stories in a series of books like we spent our times knowing a friend deeper. Losing them by death or by simply ending their stories should at least feel like goodbyes. Because at the end of the day, even a fictional character and fictional world needs to say goodbye. And goodbyes doesn’t always means the end. That we are done with the stories and characters. It just another chapter close from readers experience. And in every end there’s always a lesson. So no matter how a character is killed, or how the story ended, it is how it affected the readers that’s matter. What impact it leaves and what lessons the readers learned from it.

Character death can be one of the best reading moments, as it has the power to trigger something to its readers. If done well, it can be the most memorable and upsetting scene, which in return can be one of the most powerful card of a writer can play in her own hand. It’s like a secret ace he or she can pull to win the readers emotions & feelings. With all that said, death or ending should at least leave impact to the readers.